What are RJB Physiotherapy's opening times?
- Monday:
- 8am - 7pm
- Tuesday:
- 8am - 7pm
- Wednesday:
- 8am - 6pm
- Thursday:
- 8am - 7pm
- Friday:
- 8am - 6pm
- Saturday:
- Closed
- Sunday:
- Closed
What happens on my first appointment?
You will be seen by a Health and Care Professions registered Physiotherapist who will carry out a comprehensive examination, which includes both postural and biomechanical assessments to help diagnose your problem.
Everything that you tell the Physiotherapist will be kept completely confidential. If possible, please bring a list of the current medication that you are taking and details of any past medical history, especially relevant surgery.
With your consent the Physiotherapist may give you a physical treatment. Often you will be provided with a set of exercises to perform at home and offered some advice to help manage/improve your symptoms.
What should I wear? Will I have to undress?
The Physiotherapist will need to look at the area concerned and with your consent; you may be asked to remove some clothing. It is often better to wear loose, comfortable clothing that can be easily taken on and off.
If you are attending for a problem with your lower back or legs, you may wish to bring a pair of shorts. For assessment of your neck or arms a strappy/sleeveless top may be useful.
If you do not have the appropriate clothing these will be provided.
If for religious or personal reasons you are unhappy to undress, please inform your Physiotherapist. It will not affect your right to treatment, although the assessment and some treatments may need to be adapted.
It is really important to know that no one has to undress and remember that you should always explain what you are comfortable with.
For your own personal comfort please Do NOT wear see through or flimsy undergarments.

How long will my appointment be?
Depending on the nature of your condition the first appointment will usually last between 45 and 60 minutes. If you are to attend for further treatment your Physiotherapist can advise you how long these sessions are likely to last.
Can I bring someone with me?
If you wish, you are welcome to bring a relative or friend to accompany you during treatment.
Children under the age of 16 should be accompanied by a parent or guardian to their first appointment. The need for this at future appointments can then be discussed with the Physiotherapist.
How will I know if and when to come back for further appointments?
At the end of the first session the Physiotherapist will discuss with you whether or not they feel that treatment will be of benefit. If indicated a future appointment will then be made. As far as possible you will be offered an appointment time that is convenient to you.

What if I can’t attend my appointment? How do I cancel/rearrange an appointment?
If you are unable to keep an appointment please telephone/text/email as soon as possible to let us know.
You can change your appointment time using the online link below:
With sufficient notice (24 hours minimum), we will happily change your appointment to a more suitable time. We will do all we can to avoid cancelling your appointment, but if unavoidable, you will be given as much notice as possible.
Am I likely to have to wait beyond my appointment time?
All patients are normally seen within 10 minutes of their appointment time. If a Physiotherapist is unavoidably delayed you should be kept fully informed.
Due to providing individual appointment times the Physiotherapist may not be able to see you if you arrive late.
I am seeing a chiropractor/osteopath/etc can I still be seen for physiotherapy?
If another professional (a chiropractor, osteopath or private therapist etc.) is treating you for the same condition, the Physiotherapist will not know whether their treatment is helping or hindering you. Therefore, we do not advise you to be treated by 2 different professionals at the same time. Please feel free to discuss this further with your Physiotherapist.